Uptime Robot ratio (30 days)      

🎮 Corifeus Matrix

The fun nonsense passion derivate.


1.8k 📚 P3X OneNote Linux 

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678 📡 P3X Redis UI is a very functional handy database GUI and works in your pocket on the responsive web or as a desktop app 

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88 🆖 Angular Dynamic Compile - Convert strings to Angular components 

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60 🤖 P3X Gitlist - A decorated enhanced elegant, feature rich and modern private git ui repository viewer 

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58 💾 Linux RAM disk persistent with Systemd timer, service and suspend 

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30 🌐 Freenom API - Promise and auto renew expiring domains 

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30 ☕ OpenWrt Insomnia for Linksys WRT 

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11 🏍️ The p3x-redis-ui-server package motor that is connected to the p3x-redis-ui-material web user interface 

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10 ⌚ SystemD Manager, watchdog, notifier and service 

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7 Converts xml to json and vice-versa, using node-expat 

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6 🎮 Corifeus Matrix 

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7 💿 The p3x-redis-ui-material web interface that connects to the p3x-redis-ui-server via http and 

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4 🔥 Cache every request in Angular, not only the GET, but all methods of this interceptor, and allows you to interact with the interceptor via specific headers and modify the request, and these specific headers will be not included in the final request 

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4 📃 Generates PDF from HTML with custom headers and footers with wkhtmltopdf 

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2 🍶 Verdaccio CLI 

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1 🚅 Find the closest or exact value using binary search 

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1 🕸️ Corifeus App Web Pages 

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🏗️ Corifeus Builder 

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❤️ Corifeus Utils 

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1 🚧 Grunt Express Server updated with additional options 

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1 📈 Convert JSON to Excel XLSX with offloading the constructing the data using a worker thread 

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1 💣 Tools 

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History ... 

Code style 


onenoteGithub onenoteredis-uiGithub redis-uiangular-compileGithub angular-compilegitlistGithub gitlistramdiskGithub ramdiskfreenomGithub freenomopenwrt-insomniaGithub openwrt-insomniaredis-ui-serverGithub redis-ui-serversystemd-managerGithub systemd-managerredis-ui-materialGithub redis-ui-materialxml2jsonGithub xml2jsoncorifeusGithub corifeusangular-http-cache-interceptorGithub angular-http-cache-interceptorhtml-pdfGithub html-pdfverdaccio-cliGithub verdaccio-clibinary-search-closestGithub binary-search-closestcorifeus-app-web-pagesGithub corifeus-app-web-pagesgrunt-p3x-expressGithub grunt-p3x-expressjson2xls-worker-threadGithub json2xls-worker-threadtoolsGithub toolscorifeus-builderGithub corifeus-buildercorifeus-utilsGithub corifeus-utils